"A Brief Explanation..."
Welcome to our page for anyone who would like to (and is able to) volunteer their help, to make the lives of our veterans a little (or a lot) easier. Many of our veterans (as well as, active duty servicemen & women) and their families, have a little (or a lot of) trouble adjusting to civilian life, especially those who have endured and been deeply affected by, the trauma of war. They may require special treatment to cope with physical injuries and/or psychological problems. Many veterans have need of costly devices or professional counseling to help them in their post-service lives... Alternatively, if they are on active duty, and have a spouse and/or children at home who are having difficulty making ends meet... this can often plague their thoughts, distracting them at the precise moment when they are most crucially in need of focus to protect themselves and each other, while striving to achieve their goal of defending we at home and our allies abroad, against those who seek to cause us harm.
In order for us to help facilitate delivery of your kind donations, whether of your time, money or possessions; please fill out and submit the form below. Your personal information will be held in strictest confidence and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss with you whether we ourselves or one of our many partners will be best equipped to make certain that your generosity reaches those most in need. On behalf of all of us and the veterans and soldiers we are pledged to serve, thank you so much for your much needed assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Veteran Empowerment Neighborhoods