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Welcome to our page for all veterans and/or active duty servicemen and women and their families seeking help to make ends meet. We may be able to assist you with finding shelter, food, clothing, or other miscellaneous needs...(for example: bill paying, transportation, large appliances, repairs to your home, etc...) and, if we are unable to help you directly, we’ll do our best to put you in touch with the people and/or organizations that might have the wherewithal to offer you what you need.


In order to understand your problems fully, please fill out and submit the form below. Your information will be held in strict confidence and we will pass it along to the appropriate agencies or organizations ONLY AFTER discussing it with you directly (by mail, e-mail, text, or phone).

Sincerely yours,

Veteran Empowerment Neighborhoods

 "A Brief Explanation..."

"Seeking Help"

Preferred Contact Method
"What I/we need help with"
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